Virtual MOVE Summit (I’m Determined)

Empowering African American Males with Disabilities to Overcome Barriers, Become Self-Determined, and to Graduate High School College & Career Ready.

PreK and Toddler CLASS Observer Trainings Offered by the VDOE

The VDOE is pleased to announce CLASS™ training for the purpose of building local capacity to implement CLASS™ observations in classrooms with children with IEPs. Participants must attend two days of training to be eligible to receive a certificate of completion and to take the reliability test. Registration is limited to two individuals from a school…

PreK and Toddler CLASS Observer Trainings Offered by the VDOE

The VDOE is pleased to announce CLASS™ training for the purpose of building local capacity to implement CLASS™ observations in classrooms with children with IEPs. Participants must attend two days of training to be eligible to receive a certificate of completion and to take the reliability test. Registration is limited to two individuals from a school…

PreK and Toddler CLASS Observer Trainings Offered by the VDOE

The VDOE is pleased to announce CLASS™ training for the purpose of building local capacity to implement CLASS™ observations in classrooms with children with IEPs. Participants must attend two days of training to be eligible to receive a certificate of completion and to take the reliability test. Registration is limited to two individuals from a school…

PreK and Toddler CLASS Observer Trainings Offered by the VDOE

The VDOE is pleased to announce CLASS™ training for the purpose of building local capacity to implement CLASS™ observations in classrooms with children with IEPs. Participants must attend two days of training to be eligible to receive a certificate of completion and to take the reliability test. Registration is limited to two individuals from a school…

Virginia Cortical Visual Impairment Institute-2021: Students with Cortical Visual Impairment: Observation, Assessment, and Intervention Strategies-Presented by Sandra Newcomb, Ph.D.

Virginia Cortical Visual Impairment Institute-2021:  Students with Cortical Visual Impairment: Observation, Assessment, and Intervention Strategies-Presented by Sandra Newcomb, Ph.D. Weekly on Thursdays, August 12 - September 9, 2021, 3:30 - 5:30 pm A free webinar series provided for teachers of students with blindness, visual impairment, and deaf-blindness, orientation & mobility specialists, early childhood special educators, speech-language…

Trauma Support for Schools Virtual Summit

Trauma Summit for Schools hosted by REL Appalachia at SRI International  August 16-17, 2021, 11:00am-4:00pm each day Join the Regional Educational Laboratory Appalachia for their free Summit for educators, leaders, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers who support PreK-12 educators and students experiencing trauma. Registrants will receive early notification of the event agenda, as soon as it is…

Save The Date: I’m Determined 2021 Fall Educator Symposium

Description: I’m Determined 2021 Fall Educator Symposium Date: November 7, 2021 Location: Sheraton Virginia Beach Oceanfront Hotel Save the date for the 2021 I’m Determined Fall Educator Symposium, taking place…

Trauma Support for Schools Virtual Summit

Trauma Summit for Schools hosted by REL Appalachia at SRI International  August 16-17, 2021, 11:00am-4:00pm each day Join the Regional Educational Laboratory Appalachia for their free Summit for educators, leaders, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers who support PreK-12 educators and students experiencing trauma. Registrants will receive early notification of the event agenda, as soon as it is…

Virginia Cortical Visual Impairment Institute-2021: Students with Cortical Visual Impairment: Observation, Assessment, and Intervention Strategies-Presented by Sandra Newcomb, Ph.D.

Virginia Cortical Visual Impairment Institute-2021:  Students with Cortical Visual Impairment: Observation, Assessment, and Intervention Strategies-Presented by Sandra Newcomb, Ph.D. Weekly on Thursdays, August 19 - September 9, 2021, 3:30 - 5:30 pm A free webinar series provided for teachers of students with blindness, visual impairment, and deaf-blindness, orientation & mobility specialists, early childhood special educators, speech-language…